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A second form of multi mode fiber was the use of a graded index of the glass, as opposed to the step index Essentially, the grading of the refraction levels of the light was changed to compensate for the amount of refraction and the density of the glass In the step index, modal dispersion (spreading out of the light) was in part responsible for a reduction of the throughput on the fiber By using a grading of the density of the glass from the center core out, the capacity of the fiber was increased Simply stated, the more dense the glass was, the more refractive the surface of the glass was; or the more refraction taking place, the longer the path By having a step index, the path of the outer part of the glass was longer than the path in the center of the glass This meant that the light arrived in different times because the length of the path was longer Grading the center core to be a higher level of refraction and the outer parts of the glass to be thinner (and less refractive), could use the characteristics of the glass to get approximately the same length of a wave on the cable and therefore increase the speed of throughput The graded index is shown in Figure 28-4 The better the grading of the index, the more throughput we can expect Currently, the two forms of graded index fiber use either a 625-micron or a 50micron center conductor with a 125 micron outer cladding on the glass

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